Friday, August 21, 2009

Kelis Isn't Finished With Nas...She Needs More Money

Apparently $55,000 is not enough money to support an ex-wife and a child. Kelis and her lawyer have reviewed Nas' finances and feel that she should be receiving way more money.

According to TMZ this is what Kelis' lawyer is asking for:
-- Nas pulls in $244,826 a month
-- Kelis rakes in a relatively paltry $13,744 a month
-- Kelis should get child support totaling $17,225 a month
-- Kelis should get spousal support totaling $72,728
-- Nas should pay retro child support totaling $29,522
-- Nas should pay retro spousal support totaling $281,571

This is getting out of hand. Nas should have left Kelis' milkshake at the yard. I understand that they have a child together and that they were married but I totally disagree with him having to pay close to $90,000 a month. I thought $55,000 was excessive. I guess this is a case of buyer beware.

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