Thursday, August 20, 2009

Manhattan Madam Wants To Know Why Governor Was Not Charged

Kristin Davis the woman behind one of the largest escort agencies in the country now has a few questions for DA candidate Leslie Crocker Snyder. Back in 2008, Davis, who's agency catered to celebrities, wealthy men and politicians was busted to due to her affiliation with New York Governor Eliot Spitzer. After spending 4 months in prison she wants to know why Governor Eliot Spitzer was not also brought up on charges for his use of prostitutes. She recently sent a letter to retired judge Leslie Crocker Snyder looking for answers.

Here's her letter:

Dear Judge Snyder:

You are an accomplished and qualified woman seeking to be elected as the highest law-enforcement officer of New York County. I have attempted to pose an important public policy question to your opponent Cyrus Vance, Jr. without success. Now I wish to pose this same question to you as you seek the votes of women across Manhattan.

I supplied high price escorts for Eliot Spitzer during the time he was both Attorney General and Governor. Mr. Spitzer was good for a least one call a week for many years and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on call girls at both the agency I ran and several others. When this became public I was charged and pled guilty to the promotion of prostitution. I served four months on Rikers Island when I could not post bail which was set at $2 million dollars.

Mr. Spitzer followed the same practice he pursued with Emperor’s Club VIP – sending multiple $5,000 checks to evade the bank’s financial transfer reporting requirements – a clear violation of federal money laundering statutes. He also transported the prostitute known as Ashley Duprè across the New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland state lines in violation of the Mann Act. Former New York State Supreme Court Justice Ronald Tills of Buffalo was recently prosecuted for violating the Mann Act when he imported a prostitute from Hamburg, New York to Kentucky to perform sexual services. Judge Tills was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. Why not Eliot Spitzer?
You were quoted in the New York Daily News as saying you would not accept Mr. Spitzer’s endorsement as Mr. Vance did, nor would you asked him to hold a fundraiser for you. You also told the New York Daily News that you “favored equal treatment under the law,” whatever that means.

So I ask you now:
•Do you think it fair and equitable that Eliot Spitzer violated multiple State and Federal laws and escaped prosecution while I was prosecuted and jailed for a victimless crime?
•Is there, in this case, one set of rules for wealthy, politically connected men, and a different set of rules for average citizens who are women?
•Do you think the way the court treated me compared to the way they treated Mr. Spitzer, was sexist?
•Do you think Mr. Spitzer should have been prosecuted as I was or do you agree that he should pay no legal penalty for his multiple violations of the law?
•Do you think it fair that Mr. Morgenthau placed my bail at $2 million for a victimless crime while those charged with armed robbery have bail placed at far less?

I have accepted responsibility for my actions and have paid a substantial price. I have no intention of ever violating the law again and am turning the page and devoting my time to being an advocate of reform of the Criminal Justice system when it discriminates against women.

I look forward to your response and hope you will respond in detail to the simple questions posed within.
I await your answers as you seek to be elected to this important office.

Yours in Sisterhood,
Kristin Davis

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